Le escribí a Sebastian Fitzek. ¡Y me contestó!

Bueno, quedé tan impactada con el final de Terapia, de Sebastian Fitzek, que le escribí un mail contándole mis impresiones del libro y haciéndole algunas preguntas que me quedaron dando vueltas en la mente. Nunca esperé que, después de unos meses, me contestara. Y muy amablemente, además. Se tomó el tiempo de leer y contestar mis preguntas. Fue increíble.

Este es el mail que le escribí (si lo piden, después lo traduzco al español):

Hello! My name is Sofía, and I'm one of the readers who's mind you have blown with your amazing book, Terapia (Die Therapie).

First of all, I want to say thank you, thank you for the wonderful experience your book has brought me. I started reading it yesterday at midday, and finished it around 3am. I just could not stop reading, craving for information about this cryptic character you created, Anna Spiegel, and feeling so scared and paranoid about her and everything that was happening in Parkum.

I have to say I was predisposed to love your book from the first time I read the title, since I'm a future Psychologist, but I did not expect it would made me think over so much. Viktor is an amazing character, and the plot twist of the end only makes all the book more interesting for me. Now I just want to read it again, and pay more attention to all the details.

My excitement about the story increased a lot when I discovered Josy and Isabell were hidden in my country, Argentina. I know it's a little silly, but we are not mentioned frequently in foreign novels. That made me wonder if you have some relation with Argentina, given your name is very common here where I live -assuming it's not an artistic name.

I have a lot of questions about the book, especially the end, but the one that is really blaring in my head is this one: is Viktor a real schizophrenic? Given that the phrase "She's not a real schizophrenic. She's done everything she says has made" is repeated several times in Viktor's delirium, I have this theory about Viktor lying to himself just to escape the reality of what he has done to his daughter. He's not really schizophrenic, and that's why he needs Dr. Roth to give him the drugs back, just to keep pretending he is.

I hope you have time to read my mail and to answer it, it would make me very happy.

With my gratest admiration,


P.S.: I'm sorry if my english is not very good, as you now it's not my native language.

Luego de unos meses, la respuesta del autor fue la siguiente:

Dear Sofia,

many thanks for your kind email.

I'm sorry, that I cannot answer you in Spanish, so I have to get back to you in English and I have to say your English is perfect! ;)

In almost ten years I'm writing pretty much the same thing to you (the readers), but it's just the way it is. It makes me happy! :)

I'm really glad you liked TERAPIA and I'm so honored to be read abroad.

To answer your question: For me, Viktor is suffering from Münchausen syndrome by proxy. But every reader can imagine his/her little story to that. ;)

And to the other one .... I've chosen your country because I always wanted to get there someday which I finally made last April to the book fair. :)

Thank you very much for that! I hope you will enjoy my further books, too.

All the best from Berlin.



Si has leido algo de este autor, o si HAS LEIDO ALGO EN TU VIDA, y esto no te emociona al 10000%, no tenés alma. Perdón, no quería ser yo quien te lo dijera, pero alguien tenía que hacerlo. Esta es una de las mejores cosas que me han pasado dentro del mundo de la literatura, y si eso me hace una cholula, pues llámenme cholula.


1 comentarios

  1. Antes que nada, quiero destacar que el libro me encantó y pasó a formar parte de mis favoritos, es una locura de principio a fin. Quería compartir mis opiniones con respecto a tus dudas. Considero que el autor eligió Argentina porque es el país al que más han emigrado los alemanes (y aledaños) para escapar de su país y además porque considero que se lo trata a Argentina como un país corrupto, tanto en el libro como en general. Y con respecto a si Viktor es o no esquizofrénico, yo considero que sí. El no quería aceptar que había hecho todo lo que había hecho, pero Anna le ayuda a entender que sí, lo hizo. Saludos


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